Wednesday, January 14, 2009


O Humans !
Let us impart
A thought of peace
O Humans !
Let us not inject
The venom of hatred.
Humans are we
Humans are we.

O Humans !
Let us balm
The wounded hearts
O Humans !
Let us not incite
The notion of revenge.
Humans are we
Humans are we.

O Humans !
Let us project
The positive attitude
O Humans !
Let us not ignore
The poor and hungry.
Humans are we
Humans are we.

O Humans !
Let us pick
The threads of peace
O Humans !
Let us not break
The chain of humanity
O Humans !
Humans are we
Humans are we.

1 comment:

jwalitha said...

message in d poem is nice (do u have interest in translating work pls mail )